How to brew tea
Brewing a perfect cup of tea
All teas are not brewed the same, depending on the type of tea you will use different temperatures, and steeping times. Steep time and temperatures will vary and make a difference in the taste. Herbal teas and black teas can be steeped longer and at higher temperatures. Green and white tea can get bitter if steeped to long.
Green Tea 180 to 185 degrees range
White Tea 175 to 185 degrees range
Oolong Tea 185 to 206 degrees range
Black Tea 206 to 212 degrees range
Herbal Tea 206 to 212 degrees range
Rooibos Tea 206 to 212 degrees range
For black and herbal tea, you can let the water come to a rolling boil, but for green tea and white tea, bring the water to a pre-boil, just at the beginning of the bubble is formed, and remove it from the heat.
How much loose leaf tea?
1 teaspoon
Note: You can alter the amount according to your taste by adding more or less, or by adding sweetener or lemon.
How much water?
8-12 ounces of filtered or spring water. You want to avoid using tap water, as it really can affect the taste of your tea.
How Long?
Herbal and black tea 3-5 minutes
White and Green tea 2-3 minutes (keep in mind green and white can become bitter if you steep to long)
Note: You can adjust your steeping time according to your taste.
Teaware and tools recommended for brewing a perfect cup of tea
Scale or measuring spoon
Perhaps you may prefer your tea on the stronger side, or a more astringent flavor because you enjoy adding cream and sugar, or you might like to drink your tea on the mild side, so you make like a brew that is a tad weak. Whatever your flavor preference, we are happy to provide you with simple guidelines that take you closer to “your” perfect cup of tea!